House Republicans introduced legislation on Tuesday that would withhold President Obama's salary any time he's late submitting a budget proposal to Congress.
The bill from Rep. Larry Bucshon (R-Ind.) is similar to the No Budget, No Pay Act that was signed into law earlier this year by Obama. That law requires the salaries of House or Senate members to be held in escrow if their respective chamber fails to pass a budget by April 15.
this tit for tat playground game the republicans have been playing at least for the last 4 yrs. is one of the main obstacles in the country's advancement. this new rule was voted on earlier why was the Pres. not included then with everyone else this some kinda too late after thought or brinkmanship at it's worse?
could it be that it's congress's responsibility to come up with the bills and his job is to sign off on them when they are not leaning so far right that it's head is scraping the ground?
they say h is in campaign mode, i submit they re still in destruction mode which is better for you and the country 2014?
Under Buschon's bill, H.R. 1082, the president's pay would also be put into escrow if he is late proposing a budget to Congress by the statutory deadline, which is the first Monday in February.The bill's title is the President's Salary Suspended Unless Budget Measure Is On Time (SUBMIT) Act.
this is a simple bill broght by simpletons the reading even sonds like they were not smarter than a 5th grader.