Pennsylvania Republican Gov. Tom Corbett once said women who didn’t want to view images of a fetus they were seeking to abort could simply close their eyes. His potential 2014 opponent, Democratic Rep. Allyson Schwartz, worked for a family planning clinic for more than a dozen years.The “war on women” may be headed to Pennsylvania.No other gubernatorial race in the country could provide a clearer test of the staying power of one of 2012’s fiercest messaging duels. President Barack Obama and Democrats portrayed Republicans as anti-women throwbacks who would defund Planned Parenthood and deprive women of equal pay; Republicans countered that it was all a clever distraction from Democrats’ stewardship of a lousy economy.
are they referring to the economy that they wrecked, and it not being cleaned up fast enough because of their personal obstruction, that economy?
Schwartz, a 64-year-old native New Yorker and five-term congresswoman, would represent a patchwork of identity politics: She would become the state’s first female governor and third Jewish governor. She is a prolific fundraiser and a veteran of the state’s political scene.But she would symbolize something more: as a former women’s health center administrator, she is already the target of attacks in the conservative blogosphere for “running an abortion clinic.” At the same time, Corbett — one of the Republicans’ weakest incumbents in public polls — has been under sustained fire from the left over a remark supporting the idea of forcing women to have an ultrasound before an abortion.
ladies notice something here they are pre-emptingly attacking a candidate that is in your front yards if they were not at war with you why stomp on someone who is a general for your/our side? 2014 like the Alamo don't forget it.