aul Ryan (R-WI) in a bind that he cannot seem to escape. One minute the House budget chief decries them as unacceptable and damaging to the elderly, the next he preserves the same cuts in his own plans.Ryan has been back and forth on the cuts, decrying them when “Obamacare” passed, then including them in his House-passed budget plans in 2011 and 2012, then campaigning against them in the 2012 election, and now backing them again in his new budget plan set to be released later today. The short version is that when he’s campaigning, Ryan opposes the Medicare cuts, but when faced with budgeting, he can’t quit them.
two faced politics only keep the electorate "uncertain" but when you are chronic and then not isn't that a symptom of bi-polar disorder and it seems to be affecting the party,
Feb. 25, 2010: Ryan Against Medicare Cuts
At a televised summit with President Obama and fellow Republicans prior to passage of the health care law, Ryan railed against the damage the cuts would do.“Now, when you take a look at the Medicare cuts, what this bill essentially does, it treats Medicare like a piggy bank. It raids a half a trillion dollars out of Medicare,” he said. “Now, when you take a look at what this does, it is — according to the chief actuary of Medicare, he’s saying as much as 20 percent of Medicare’s providers will either go out of business or will have to stop seeing Medicare beneficiaries. Millions of seniors who who have chosen Medicare Advantage will lose the coverage that they now enjoy.”Republicans across the country would proceed to run in the midterm elections against the Medicare cuts, and win a huge new majority in the House and seats in the Senate.
April 5, 2011: Ryan For Medicare Cuts
Ryan’s first fiscal blueprint as the House’s budget chairman included the ACA’s Medicare cuts, assuming the same level of short- and long-term savings via lower reimbursements to providers, particularly hospitals, and private insurers under the Medicare Advantage program.His reasoning? As the Wall Street Journal reported at the time, a Ryan spokesman “noted that under the Ryan plan the Medicare spending cuts would go toward deficit reduction, rather than creation of a new spending program, as the Democratic health law creates.” Ryan would continue to bash the Medicare cuts on talk shows and public appearances.The sequel to the Ryan budget, released March 20, 2012, also kept the Medicare cuts from the Affordable Care Act as well as his previous budget. The reason was the same — the savings were valuable in helping reach his revenue and spending targets. His rationale was also the same.
they are just confused the reality hitting their hypocrisy is just to much to absorb when your head is cluttered with so many failed plans and their failed remedy and trying to keep up with the lies told and those to be told, "oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive"