Tuesday, March 12, 2013

CBO May Have Undershot Medicare's Future Deficit Reduction By Over $300 Billion

Article PhotoSeveral weeks ago, the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities analyzed the latest budget outlook from the Congressional Budget Office, and found that Medicare’s projected spending between 2010 and 2020 had dropped by over $500 billion since CBO’s projections in 2010.
This was effectively free deficit reduction: no spending had to be cut or policies changed. Health care markets simply shifted in an unexpected way that slowed the growth of health care costs — and what Medicare is projected to spend to buy health care for seniors slowed accordingly.
i don't understand our republican politicians have been telling us that prices will rise and seniors will be hurt and Dr.'s will quit lines will grow waiting period, guess they mean like they did in Fla. with voter obstruction. it will bankrupt the gov't wow were the just playing a game of psych?
they told us more and more Americans won't like it, yet their governors are starting to adopt it for their states, maybe thy meant as long as their misleading worked we wouldn't like it.
The big question is whether this slow down is temporary or long-term. David Cutler and Nikhil Sahni took a closer look and found that CBO’s numbers assume the slow down is temporary. If that assumption is wrong, then Medicare could see $363 billion in additional savings by 2023.
another big question will republicans contine to obstruct and misinform us or will they cry "cooked numbers"!! again?