Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Military sexual assault victims testify before Congress

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WASHINGTON Sgt. Rebecca Havrilla, the lone female member of a bomb squad in eastern Afghanistan, was allegedly raped days before she was supposed to go back to the United States.
 "The rape," she said, "was the 'ironic icing on the cake.'"
 What started in basic training in January of 2004 with sexual jokes, innuendoes and simulated sexual play escalated to groping, slapping, harassment and ultimately ended with a rape before she left Afghanistan in September 2009, she said.
 Havrilla's story gets worse before it gets better: she ran into her alleged rapist at a shop on Fort Leonard Wood; says she was told by a military chaplain that "it must have been God's will for her to be raped"; and says a friend found pictures of the attack on a pornography website. 
are you able to continue reading this?  i believe things like this is why the right wing is trying so hard to negate laws that prevent them from exercising their until now license to rape, reservations, undocumented easy pray, another reason why they did not want to give up slavery and now bring back the trappings, to dismiss is to be blindsided when it comes.  
think of all the ways to explain and define rape lately comig from the good ol' boyz, guess they miss that carte blanch on women and their bodies. living hi on the hog like the pigs that they are.
Havrilla finally reported her case only to have it dismissed by her military commanders. On Wednesday, however, Havrilla is testifying in front of the U.S. Senate Committee on Armed Services Subcommittee on Personnel and share her story.
wonder how many women are on that committee if any and are they right wing supporters or real women?