Sunday, March 3, 2013

Eric Holder: Voting Rights Act Can't Be Called Unnecessary Yet

With the Supreme Court having heard oral arguments on the constitutionality of the Voting Rights Act last week, the Obama administration weighed in again Sunday with another impassioned defense of the 1965 law.
"For our nation's Department of Justice, the fair and vigorous enforcement of this and other vital protections -- and their defense against all Constitutional challenges -- constitutes a top priority," read Attorney General Eric Holder's prepared remarks for a speech he was set to give at the Edmund Pettus Bridge Crossing Jubilee. "Let me be clear: although our nation has indeed changed, although the South is far different now, and although progress has indeed been made, we are not yet at the point where the most vital part of the Voting Rights Act can be deemed unnecessary. The struggle for voting rights for all Americans must continue -- and it will."
i'm 64 i don't think we'll see true voter rights in my time, they may pass some bills but forced conformance is not real, also removing the laws that exist is not proof, more regulation is needed. you will only find right wing saying there is no need when you are the perpetrator you have no desire to stop especially if it's working for you.
when republicans stop lying and cheating and allow fair and honest elections it still won't stop because they have no game when it comes down to them being able to win on their lack of merits. they will have to die out for a generation in order to be a viable party that can represent the entire country, not just the rich.
they don't take care of their base they are poor too so once the elections are over they get kicked to the curb until next time there is an election.  that too will stop once they realize the hurtful laws they put on us hits them too.