Sunday, March 3, 2013

Al Qaeda Hits Obama for Supporting Marriage Equality

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lets see republicas said that Iran cheered at Hagel appt, could mean they are with those that voted him in, kinda like they beat the Pres. up on womens rights and GLB&D
and now someone agrees with them do they support the right wing agenda?  terrorist are terrorist whether they bow something up or threaten your politicians if they don't go along they will be "PIMARIED", threaten the sitting Admin to not vote unless they do what they want.
Al Qaeda says the United States has another crime to add to its litany of atrocities: support for same-sex marriage. 
In the latest issue of Inspire, the Al Qaeda-produced English-language magazine that teaches readers how to cause traffic accidents, torch parked cars, and "make a bomb in the kitchen of your mom," the terrorist group goes after President Barack Obama for "evolving" on marriage equality. In an infographic titled "The Nation Standing on 'No Values," the magazine also goes after "gay congressman" Barney Frank, who is no longer a congressman. It also cites statistics showing American Catholics are less likely to attend Mass and are increasingly supportive of same-sex marriage.
is it safe to ask "why are Al Queda terrorist agreeing internationally with republicans?
The image calls Frank a "symbol of the American dream," which appears meant to be insulting. Let us all tremble at the thought of the infinite masses who never thought about being a terrorist before they stopped to consider Obama shifting his position on same-sex marriage. 
Why bring this up at all? Al Qaeda "fundamentally believe[s] there is a moral decay because of Western cultural and social norms," says Aaron Zelin, a senior fellow at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy. "The issues of Western policy in the region loom larger for sure, but the socio-cultural issues are also important when one goes beyond the surface rhetoric."
my thoughts, just like republicans!.  i wrote this on this blog last year

SATURDAY, MAY 14, 2011


Hello, just thinking middle east men notorious for lack of women's rights, hmmmm republicans notorious for trying to take women's rights, right to choose,equal pay,denigrate them in porn showing full body, wonder why men don't "a little shy maybe" or fear of being laughed at can't really condemn them when you are so similar? TAKE A STROLL THROUGH YOUR MIND, YOU'LL BE SURPRISED AT WHAT YOU MAY FIND, (courtesy of the Temptations) but oh so true
Posted by at 7:51 AM