A poll out Tuesday found that fewer people support a President Barack Obama-backed pathway to citizenship plan for illegal immigrants than one that doesn’t have his name attached to it.Seven in 10 Americans support a pathway to citizenship for illegal immigrants — but when Washington Post and Capital Insight pollsters asked the same question with Obama’s name linked to it, support dropped to just 59 percent.
given the fact that they were all for it, but was against it when Pres.'s name is mentioned sounds like a second thought "i'm suppose to oppose everything he does" and that scenarion has been played out over and over for it till the Pres. is now no longer for it that change of mind came in a nano second, first thought was it's cool second thought, "Obama" oh hell no.
depiving future citizens that end result ans cheating America out of potential skills that could work in their favor if not for arrogant racism.
the people let their word be known but like everything else republicans don't hear or ignore it. with what they have exhibited they aren't going to be the one's to turn it around, do you?