and the rising star of the GOP poised as it were right in their with the rest of the he-man woman haters club except they aren't cute Little Rascals and right in the thick of it Mr. Rubio
passed through the Senate on Tuesday afternoon, by a vote of 78 to 22. Of those opposing the legislation, all 22 were Republican men. Every female Senator supported the bill.Among the most notable votes against the bill were Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), and Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL). Here’s a look at all 22 opponents of VAWA:
great way to embrace the women vote, let them know you still don't give a damn if they get beat assaulted raped or killed "it's against their core principles you know the ones they said they did not need to get rid of to "reach out".
VAWA expired during the previous Congress, and because of Republican opposition to provisions for Native American, undocumented, and LGBT victims of domestic violence, the different versions approved by the House and by the Senate were never reconciled, and the bill died without final passage at the end of 2012.
Since its inception in 1994, VAWA has established a system for helping women in danger. The law created the National Domestic Violence Hotline, made stalking illegal, and helped drive down the number of partner homicides.
this is a real problem you want the koch bros. to poison our children's air and water, but you care less then gnat crap if your daughter or mother gets the cowboy crap beat out of her and raped then you want her to have the baby,
they need to look back and figure out why they hate women are they all gay and this is the only way they can deal with it short of getting out of the closet, no other way to explain the war on women IMO.