Thursday, February 21, 2013

Lindsey Graham Calls On Hagel To Address Free Beacon Report
republicans once again inventing stories with no proof at all other than another right winger saying so, not admissible in any court kangaroo or otherwise.
WASHINGTON — Sen. Lindsey Graham has called on former Sen. Chuck Hagel to account for an email obtained by the Washington Free Beacon sent during a lecture he attended in 2010 that stated that he warned that Israel was at risk of becoming an "apartheid state."
The email was sent to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee by Kenneth Wagner, according to the conservative publication.
"I am sitting in a lecture by Chuck Hagel at Rutgers," Wagner wrote. "He basically said that Israel has violated every UN resolution since 1967, that Israel has violated its agreements with the quartet, that it was risking becoming an apartheid state if it didn't allow the Palestinians to form a state. He said that the settlements were getting close to the point where a contiguous Palestinian state would be impossible."
it's not about anything but leaving the misinfo flickering on the vine for those under informed to grab and run with it, they have proven that it doesn't matter whether it's true, it's what they can get their gullible base to except as gospel which really is not a hard to do.
There is no evidence that the paraphrased email reflected Hagel's remarks, nor has audio or video recording of the speech been discovered.
brings to mind Rand Paul's asking Hillary Clinton if guns were being smuggled out of Lybia into Turkey???????
but he too has no proof nor had he heard anything, getting a picture of republican hypocracy?