Saturday, November 17, 2012

Republicans Tone Down Attacks On Susan Rice, Keep Focus On Benghazi

WASHINGTON, DC — Senate Republicans Friday appeared to shift positions on the assault on the American consulate in Benghazi, moving away from political attacks on Ambassador Susan Rice to calls for further inquiries into substantive issues relating to security and intelligence gathering.
For weeks Republicans have hammered Rice for claiming the attack was in response to an anti-Islam YouTube video during a Sunday show appearance following the incident.
Democrats have bitterly complained that the assault on Rice, who they say was just repeating a CIA briefing — and whom President Barack Obama appears dead set on nominating as Secretary of State. Her defenders call the attacks purely political in nature, pointing out that her comments have resulted in no policy changes and that she was working with the information provided by the intelligence community.
could it be, reality sunk in, she is UN ambassador, she had nothing to do with Bengazi, the CIA said she was only passing along what they had told her.
or was it Pres. telling them if they keep picking on her they have a problem with him, bring it.
"Increasingly the focus is going to be on the fact that despite a growing and significant amount of information being provided to the state department about the growing risk in the Benghazi area, they did not take adequate enough security measures," Sen. Marco Rubio said bluntly after a closed-door hearing with former CIA chief Gen. David Petraeus. "I think that’s what the growing amount of inquiry should be about in the coming days.”
in that case after they complete this witch hunt at the taxpayers expense they might want to up the tab and investigate the Bush admin and their inadequacies and the 3,000 + deaths American's have a right to know that too. another play to besmirch the Pres. why not make wine with those sour grapes the taste would be as palatable as the inquisition they are engaging in now.