Saturday, November 17, 2012

How red-state governors are opening the doors to Obamacare

is Bobby gettin' a little to candid? will his rising star fade because of his more liberal approach and statements, or is this the new right wing deception, "Pres. beat us twice, if you can't beat 'em join 'em". but wasn't last months talking point, 

Richard Mourdock: 'Compromise' Means Democrats Agree with Republicans

Bobby Jindal’s got a funny way of showing how much he hates Obamacare and Washington bureaucracy: The Louisiana governor’s about to invite the feds to set up a health insurance exchange right in his backyard.
So is Rick Perry in Texas. Ditto for John Kasich in Ohio. And Scott Walker in Wisconsin.These Republican governors, and more than a dozen others in red states around the country, have decided it’s better to have Obamacare forced on them than to legitimize it by setting up their own exchanges, even if that means empowering the federal government at the expense of the states
we have seen this scenario before my fellow Americans, "STIMULUS PLAN" REMEMBER Jindal included refused to take stimulus momey on the afternoon news cycle and paraded around with giant cardboard checks touting "look what i did for the state", hypocritical at least bald face lie at best. "it's on videotape stupid".