Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Norquist tax pledge supporters lose majority in House, shrink in Senate


According to The Hill, the incoming House will have less than 218 supporters of Grover Norquist's anti-tax pledge—a drop from 238 from the current House and less than a majority of the 435-member body. Although Norquist's organization claims 219 members of the incoming House have signed his pledge, The Hill reports that some of those members have renounced their support, dropping support below the 218 threshold.
On the Senate side, the numbers have dropped from 41 supporters to 39—less than the 40 needed for a filibuster. Of course, filibuster reform could make falling below that threshold less important, but it's still nice to see the numbers dropping.
all bad things come to an end also, this is the face that the right still puts in front of "we the people" and the recovery they caused and has blocked then calls it slow not where it should be, they ought to know it's their baby.
now what about the newbies coming in now are they Norquist faithfuls? the party is not "we the people" friendly. we have less then half of the people convinced they need to vote against their own interest will that change or will the right wing keep it's propaganda machine churning out the Stepfords?
GW Bush, "you can fool some of the people all of the time an those are the ones you want to concentrate on"