Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Paul Ryan: We Lost the Election Because Too Many Blacks Voted


this guy has no place in the new American gov't, great for a seceded Texas.
Here's Paul Ryan, in a single sentence, explaining why he and Mitt Romney lost to the black guy.
"I think the surprise was some of the turnout, especially in urban areas, which gave President Obama the big margin to win this race."
Yeah, it wasn't the fact that a majority of Americans rejected Romney/Ryan's and the GOP's policies, it wasn't the fact that most Americans thought Obama/Biden deserved a second term -- it's just that those "urban" people -- well, you know how they are.
I also love it when he says he and Mitt ran a "great campaign." There's that soft bigotry of low expectations again.
it's just that those "urban" people -- well, you know how they are.
really,  new right wing speak replacing "you people" in the code. guess they don't know how we are.
it would seem their solution to remedy us "URBAN PEOPLE" since voter suppression and purging flopped, would be open their arms and welcome us into their party, leaving our values at the door, that's gonna happen.