Thursday, November 15, 2012

House GOP leaders pledge to oppose climate change 'tax'

The entire House GOP leadership team has registered its opposition to climate legislation that raises revenue, underscoring the long odds that taxing carbon emissions has in negotiations on the fiscal cliff.
The Tea Party group Americans for Prosperity greeted Wednesday’s election of the House GOP leadership team by pointing out that the lawmakers are among the signers of the group’s “no climate tax” pledge.
Signers agree to “oppose any legislation relating to climate change that includes a net increase in government revenue.”
They include Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio), Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.) and Whip Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.), who all retained their leadership posts.
i really don't think they disbeliev climate change i think their real beef is the regulation to the corporations making them pay more for our safety but the republicans they don't care they want no regulation then to add insult to injury they don't want us to have healthcare this is what they want for your kids and theirs.
“Carbon taxes are once again being floated as a way to raise revenue so that Washington can skip the hard work of actually getting runaway entitlement spending under control,” said James Valvo, policy director of the group, which is backed by the Koch brothers, who are active in conservative politics.
“Using a carbon tax to address the deficit would clearly be a violation of the pledge that the entire House leadership team for the 112th and now 113th Congress have already pledged not to do,” he said.
Americans for Tax Reform President Grover Norquist said this week that a carbon tax, even with offsetting reductions in other taxes, would violate his groups' anti-tax increase pledge that a majority of Republicans have signed, a further sign that influential conservative groups have mobilized against the idea.
save the rich 2 dollars while costing "we the people" millions in healthcare.