Friday, November 16, 2012

Some Republican governors soften on taxes

is the "change coming fast enough for you?
LAS VEGAS — Some Republican governors are softening on the party’s hard-line toward tax increases for the wealthy, suggesting that GOP congressmen at least be open to rate hikes in exchange for a comprehensive fiscal agreement on taxes and entitlements.
“The people have spoken, I think we’re going to have to be [flexible] now,” said Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell, when asked if his party would now have to be open to taxes on the highest earners. “Elections do have consequences. The president campaigned on that.”
forced change is the way most of them happen, if there is a need for change somebody is not happy and somebody is fighting tooth and nail to keep it that way.
that said change in approach is of convenience, change of heart is a much more spiritual effort then just proclaiming it, not an easy thing to do especially if all your life you have been that whichnow needs to change, but it needed to change 400 years ago that's a long time to be resistant to a sudden 180 because you got out voted? disingenuous leopard can't change his spots even in the 21st century.
McDonnell, the outgoing head of the Republican Governors Association, made clear that raising taxes isn’t his first choice. But he said that the political reality of a Democratic president and Democratic Senate makes it unlikely that a grand bargain can be struck without some compromise on raising revenues.
“As a piece of an overall package with tax reform that is more comprehensive, I think it’s something that absolutely has got to be discussed,” he said of tax hikes for the wealthy
read that again and see there is nothing new in their rhetoric just as usual a broad statement minus any indication of intent to adjust by their leader. they love that term talk about, discuss what about do? back to the wall decisions are just, and are not from a willingness to do that. there does seem to be the beginnings of a mutiny. they love that term talk about, discuss what about do?