Saturday, November 17, 2012

Franklin Graham: God May Have to Cause "A Complete Economic Collapse" to Save Nation From Obama
which nation the 53% who voted for him
what is it about evangelical zealots is this like Jim Jones and Guyana, did they just sip the juice?  how can he pofest to believe in God and make blasphemous statements like this?
Some conservatives are having a tough time with President Barack Obama's reelection. Take social conservative leader Franklin Graham. In an interviewwith, the Rev. Graham, a prominent evangelist and son of top-dog evangelist Billy Graham, maintained that Obama's victory will put the country further along a "path of destruction." And he suggested it would take a "complete economic collapse" to place the United States on a better course and return it to godliness.
don't you have to actually have experienced it in order to return to it, i question his credentials to make such a claim. he comes off more of an Elmer Gantry charater then a true man of God, wonder where is soul will end up?
As Graham denounced the Obama years, Newsmax's Kathleen Walter asked, "So we've become too secular a nation? How do we bring God back into government?" Graham replied:
Maybe God will have to bring our nation down to our knees—to where you just have a complete economic collapse. And maybe at that point, maybe people will again begin to call upon the name of almighty God.
 Graham equated the Obama years with a national rejection of God. "In the last four years, we have begun to turn our backs on God," he said. "We have taken God out of our education system. We have taken him out of government.
You have lawyers that sue you every time you mention the name of Jesus Christ in any kind of a public forum." Oddly, Graham ignored the fact that he and other shepherds of the Christian right have griped about such matters for much longer than four years. It didn't start with Obama.
what i think he refer to his the turning against evangelical hate sermons and ideology not of the real Bible, 39% of the white vote looks more like a turning against him and his false doctrine.

Graham has been no stranger to controversy.
Earlier this year, he had to apologize after questioning Obama's faith and saying on MSNBC that the president "seems more concerned about [Muslims] than the Christians that are being murdered in the Muslim countries." He has often decried the entire religion of Islam, at one point calling it "a very evil and wicked religion." Two years ago, he was disinvited from the Pentagon's National Day of Prayer event when a fuss developed over his anti-Muslim comments.
I remenber the the Bible telling us to "beware of false pophets". this guy seems to fit that picture perfectly and why is it that he can state Islam is evil, misinformed and misleading is even more evil and serves only one purpose, to indoctrinate you into that belief that God only favors you and especially the charlitan that's telling you that .