Saturday, November 17, 2012

Samuel Alito, Supreme Court Justice, Takes On Citizens United Critics
WASHINGTON — Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito is defending the court's 2010 decision in the Citizens United case that helped fuel hundreds of millions of dollars of spending by independent groups in the just-concluded campaign season.
Alito told roughly 1,500 people at a Federalist Society dinner this week that the First Amendment protects political speech, whether from an individual or a corporation. His comments to the overwhelmingly conservative and Republican crowd were part of his broader analysis of arguments put forth by the Obama administration in recent years that Alito said would curtail individual freedoms in favor of stronger federal power.
"The question is whether speech that goes to the very heart of government should be limited to certain preferred corporations; namely, media corporations," he said. "Surely the idea that the First Amendment protects only certain privileged voices should be disturbing to anybody who believes in free speech."
no sir the the question is why would you give carte blanche' to any and everybody giving them a number to bid on our gov't? 
we don't know really where most of that money came from, Ahmadinejad could have thrown in a few rials and we would not know. it was just another right wing ploy to stack elections in republican favor, when youwere out voted on their blocking efforts the whole house of cards went down like the door being opened in a storm.
It was not the first time Alito has taken on critics of the outcome in the Citizens United case. At President Barack Obama's State of the Union address soon after the court's ruling in January 2010, the president said the court "reversed a century of law that I believe will open the floodgates for special interests – including foreign corporations – to spend without limit in our elections."
Alito, sitting with five other justices, was seen to mouth, "Not true."
but this time it's fair and really balanced that will appoint new justices, will that make a right wing agenda harder to force on "we the people"?