Tuesday, November 6, 2012

An Nostalgic Obama Asks Iowa For Its Help One Last Time


“It’s out of my hands now,” he said. “It’s up to you.”

this guy will not be caught behind the curtain saying he doesn't care about the 47% nor will he ASSUME that we are not capable of taking responsibility for ourselves. what he is and will do is the guy you heard him say he was the one that's got all of our backs, not the lies and innuendo by racially charged rhetoric aimed at those receptive to that kind of hate. think about it have you ever seen the Pres. exhibit the vitriol spewed by the right remember you can't lie toyourself, successfully.
you will get what you see, defy the republicans to make the same claim.
An emotional President Obama finished his campaign in Des Moines, Iowa on Monday night, the state that launched his unlikely road to the presidency in 2008.
“I’ve come back to Iowa one more time to ask for your vote,” Obama told the crowd, his voice hoarse from relentless campaigning. “I came back to ask you to help us finish what we’ve started.”
Obama’s speech was infused with nostalgia at every turn, eschewing his usual attacks on his opponent, Mitt Romney (whose name never came up), in favor of a wistful look back on his 2008 campaign and the spirit that he said connected it to his current run. At one point he appeared to wipe away tears.
“We’ve made real progress these last four years,” he said. “But, Iowa we’re here tonight because we got more work to do. We’re not done yet on this journey, we’ve got more road to travel. As long as there’s a single American who wants a job but can’t find one, as long as there are families working harder but still falling behind, as long as there’s a child still in Des Moines, anywhere in Iowa, anywhere in this country languishing in poverty, barred from opportunity, our work isn’t done.”
that's a President recognize