Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Confusion Surrounds New Jersey's Email Vote - New Yorkers allowed to vote anywhere

Newser) – The storm-battered people of New Jersey are the first large group of domestic voters to be allowed to vote by email but the move has caused plenty of confusion, Politicofinds. 
The state's top election official now says people who vote by email or fax will also need to mail in their ballots. Voting rights advocates say that while the announcement eases their fears the process could be abused, voters have been told there will be no paper required and the conflicting information could end up disenfranchising people.
 and who are the top state officials? remember the Gov. is republican forget the smooze he'll vote and do their will he said he's voting for Romney.
In New York, meanwhile, Gov. Andrew Cuomo has signed an order allowed people displaced by superstorm Sandy to vote at any polling place in the state after signing an affidavit, the New York Daily News reports. "We want everyone to vote
will the T-Party gawker's be standing over their shoulder and will our lawyers be standing over the gawker's shoulders, checks and balance's.