Wednesday, October 24, 2012

UN: Syria, Rebels Agree to 4-Day Eid Truce - There will be a truce for the upcoming Muslim holiday

no matter how Romney tried to reword the right wing stance it still stinks of starting another war, makes a good point in their minds for the MIC bump in spending even though they have not requested it. does that make you wonder if the pentagon says we didn't ask for it that there is profit to be made by someone in bigbusiness and the politicians in their back pockets.
Newser) – Bashar al-Assad's regime and Syrian rebels have agreed to a temporary truce that coincides with the four-day Eid al-Adha holiday, a UN mediator tellsReuters. Lakhdar Brahimi said that various rebel groups had agreed to the ceasefire "in principle," but CNN notes that Assad's side says the deal is "still under study" and that a "final decision will be issued tomorrow in this regard." Brahimi hopes that "we can build on it in order to discuss a longer and more effective ceasefire and this has to be part of a comprehensive political process."
this is not the end but at least a step in the right direction. according to Romney had he been President we would be mired in that civil war.
Romney "we don't dictate to dictators we free nations" well whats up with all his chest beating about Syria, Iran, China Mid East period what he will "dictate to them" what "his admin" stands for another lie?
the man and his party have nothing Romney wants to ride on the Pres.'s coat tails while Scarborough tries to defend Bush by say Obama is using Bush tactics, why not it's Bush wars no matter how they try to paint them as the Pres.'s had they not deceived us and went to war with the wrong people Pres. would not have been in this position to do any of Bush's plans, we don't torture any more.