Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Florida Officials Investigate Fake Voter Eligibility Letters : It's All Politics


after 2000 can Florida ever be trusted again to be fair and honest with their elections?
It's a sign that Election Day is getting closer: increasing reports of efforts to intimidate or mislead voters. Florida officials say they're now investigating fake letters that have been sent to voters in at least 20 counties questioning their citizenship and eligibility to vote.
The letters look official, with an eagle and flag logo at the top. They appear to be signed by the local supervisor of elections, although they're not. (Gannett's News-Press.com in Florida compares the fake letter — on top in this example — to an official letter below from the elections supervisor.)
Each letter tells the recipient that the elections office has received information "bringing into question your eligibility as a registered voter." The letter goes on to say that only U.S. citizens can vote, and that it's a felony to fraudulently register. It asks the voter to return an attached "Voter Eligibility Form" within 15 days or risk being removed from the rolls.
"A nonregistered voter who casts a vote in the State of Florida may be subject to arrest, imprisonment, and/or other criminal sanctions," the letter warns
when those who stand by and watch what their candidate does to steal from American people, and their complicity of denying fellow Americans that which is suppose tpo be the bedrock of this democracy which they and their voters have all but obliterated just because of the color of the Pres. just doesn't sit well with them why, one guy said "cause his names Obama" then looked like didn't you know.
"This is an example of why voters need to be vigilant during the election season and to be aware that there may be people out there committing fraudulent acts," Cate said.
There have been other reports that voters in Florida and Virginia have been receiving phone calls telling them that they can vote over the phone, which they can't.
if they are obviously not for the promised Bill of Rights and the Constitution if you vote for them do you really know what you will subject this country to?