Thursday, October 25, 2012

Paul Ryan Poverty Speech Proposes Reforming Programs For The Poor
foot in mouth all 10 toes, does he not know the difference in insulting, condescending, looking down the nose, relegating some to life of hopelessness, and attempting to promote upward mobility?
or does the false intent make more for the former as what they really think, and upward mobility only applies to that percent they claim ownership of and not the 47%.
In his first policy speech since becoming the Republican vice presidential nominee, Paul Ryan said he and Mitt Romney will restore upward mobility and fight poverty in part by limiting the federal government's commitment to safety net programs.
"Upward mobility is the central promise of life in America," Ryan said. "But right now, America’s engines of upward mobility aren't working the way they should. Mitt Romney and I are running because we believe that Americans are better off in a dynamic, free-enterprise-based economy that fosters economic growth, opportunity and upward mobility instead of a stagnant, government-directed economy that stifles job creation and fosters government dependency."
Ryan noted that Americans born into poor families are more likely to stay poor as adults than Americans born into wealthy families.
 A Romney administration, Ryan said, would help restore mobility by turning the open-ended commitments of federal anti-poverty programs into "block grants" -- fixed chunks of money the federal government sends to states each year regardless of the amount of need. States, in turn, get more leeway to design their own programs.
"The federal government would continue to provide the resources, but we would remove the endless federal mandates and restrictions that hamper state efforts to make these programs more effective," Ryan said. "If the question is what's best for low-income Ohioans, shouldn’t we let Ohioans make that call?"
how do you continue to provide effectively when in the same sentence he is saying without regulation, we have seen what those right wing governors have done to their states remove regulation unfathomable, they are misleading and trying to promote deregulation which only benefits those being regulated gives them Carte Blanche.

carte blanche (kärt blä sh , blänch , bl nch ). n. pl. cartes blanches (kärt blä sh , kärts blänch , bl nch ). Unrestricted power to act at one's own discretion;

that would be right wing discretion.