Thursday, October 25, 2012

As election nears, efforts intensify to misinform, pressure voters

Voters arrive to complete in-person absentee voting at the Fairfax County Governmental Center in Fairfax, Virginia, October 3, 2012.  REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst    (UNITED STATES - Tags: POLITICS ELECTIONS USA PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION)

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - In Florida, Virginia and Indiana, voters have received phone calls that wrongly told them there was no need to cast a ballot in person on Election Day because they could vote by phone.
In Ohio and Wisconsin, billboards in mostly low-income and minority neighborhoods showed prisoners behind bars and warned of criminal penalties for voter fraud - an effort that voting rights groups say was designed to intimidate minority voters.
And across the nation, some employers - notably David and Charles Koch, the billionaire brothers who help fund the conservative group Americans for Prosperity - are urging their workers to vote for Republican Mitt Romney for president.
Two weeks before what could be one of the closest presidential elections in U.S. history, efforts to mislead, intimidate or pressure voters are an increasingly prominent part of the political landscape. Analysts say tactics typically seen in the last few days before an election are already in play
are we going to elect a president CAC coercer and chief that gets her on skulduggery and has stated his agenda which dissolves at least 47% of us?
 they are treating the picking of our leaders as if it were a war guess that's not that farfetched they are the party of war mongers.