Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Mitt Romney will never be president -

His disgraceful dishonesty in using the murder of a U.S. ambassador to attack the president will haunt him 

Mitt Romney, flushed and shifty-eyed, stepped to a podium Wednesday morning with a chance to disavow the despicable late-night attack his campaign launched on President Obama. Instead he intensified it, and that’s why he’ll never be president.
My thoughts and prayers are with the families of Ambassador Chris Stevens and the other State Department employees murdered in Benghazi last night. It’s tragic that those deaths have become occasion for cheap political grandstanding by Romney. As everyone now knows, the Romney campaign blasted President Obama for allegedly sympathizing with Stevens’s killers in a ridiculous statement late on the evening of Sept. 11:
I’m outraged by the attacks on American diplomatic missions in Libya and Egypt and by the death of an American consulate worker in Benghazi. It’s disgraceful that the Obama administration’s first response was not to condemn attacks on our diplomatic missions, but to sympathize with those who waged the attacks.
i believe the Pres. was on it, going off half cocked and demonizing those you don't know to be guilty seems to be a page 2 in the right wing piss everybody off book.
you try to diffuse the potential, then try and find out the specifics, a word that eludes the right wing, saber waving does not fit the varmint shooter, "Uncle Jed". he's giving us a preview of what havoc he would bring in foreign policy alone. not presidential at all. 
he tried to steal the Pres.'s thunder but all he stole was the other half of that half a chance he had to win.
Romney had a chance to correct the record, and at least acknowledge that the Cairo Embassy statement didn’t come from Obama himself, and that it preceded the killings. But he didn’t. “When our grounds are being attacked and being breached, the first response should be outrage,” he told reporters.
“Apology for America’s values will never be the right course. We express immediately when we feel that the President and his administration have done something which is inconsistent with the principles of America.” The incredulous traveling press corps pushed Romney on his dishonesty but he didn’t back down.
how pretentious can he get?  are you seeing the him he tries not to let you see, he needs to know, you cannot lie to yourself successfully.