Sunday, August 12, 2012

With Paul Ryan, Romney Makes the VP Pick Obama Wanted

In a way, Paul Ryan is exactly whom President Barack Obama wanted on the Republican ticket with Mitt Romney. By selecting the Republican congressman from Wisconsin, whose name is synonymous with the GOP's cut-taxes-for-the-rich and slash-programs-for-the-middle-class-and-the-poor, Romney has helped Obama in his No. 1 mission: shape the election not as a referendum on the sluggish economy but as a sharp clash between opposing sets of values and programs for the future.
not understanding the strategy behind the pick that threatens half of the country that knows it and a third that don't have a clue. this is change corrupted not for the better, unless you are a right wing traitor to "we the people" and advocate for the rich, oh i see, i understand now.
Ever since the Democrats' clock was cleaned by the tea party-ized Republicans in the 2010 midterm elections, Obama has pursued a grand politicalstrategy of setting up his reelection contest as a choice between archly different visions. Long before Romney had vanquished the midgets of the GOP pack, Obama began using the Ryan budget proposal as his chief foil. In April 2011, he gave a speech at George Washington University that was a tongue-lashing of the Ryan's budget plan, which would end Medicare as a guaranteed benefit and throw more tax breaks at the well-to-do than George W. Bush could imagine. Ryan, who attended the speech, was insulted and immediately blasted the president.
how many will still believe that the republican agenda will include them before Nov. 6th and how many will wake up to reality Nov. 7th?
 Throughout the 2011 battles over budget cuts (which nearly caused a government shutdown) and the debt ceiling limit (which nearly caused a financial crisis), Obama kept pointing to the Ryan budget as a plan that would cause hardship for many and reflected a pessimistic and Darwinian GOP vision of the future in which the United States could not afford to invest in education, infrastructure, and innovation—the ingredients necessary for a strong economy that would support a vibrant middle class.
While the Republicans praised individual freedom and the powers of the market (which didn't work too well in the run-up to the crash of 2008) and once again pressed the theology of supply-side tax cuts, Obama emphasized communal action, prudent investments, and responsible deficit-cutting.
The Ryan budget allowed Obama to do all that. Ryan's presence on the ticket will do the same.
all that is needed is a sense of patriotism and not republicanism, Americanism not right wingism. lets not take this country back but forward to a new place of UNITED STATES, not divided peoples, thats a republican plan not an American ideal.