Sunday, August 12, 2012

Paul Ryan: Midwesterner, Catholic, intellectual

does this mean that the Catholic Church is against the new golden boy of the republican party, does he not embrace all the right wing opposition to women that has turned them against the party? interesting to see where this goes.
 “I represent a part of America that includes inner cities, rural areas, suburbs and factory towns,” Ryan said in his first appearance Saturday with Romney in front of a battleship in Norfolk. He said he saw dark clouds in these places: “There is something different in their voice and in their words. What I hear from them are diminished dreams, lowered expectations, uncertain futures.” Now, Ryan said, Republicans can rein in a government that is smothering hopes instead of standing back and letting them blossom. “We promise equal opportunity,” he said. “Not equal outcomes.”
his first lie on the campaign trail, he does not represent inner city anything, he wants to kill it all off. only truth is his coded statement to allow deregulation
At Craig High School, Ryan showed the zeal that would mark him later on Capitol Hill. He played two sports, joined 10 clubs and was prom king. But his classmates also voted him “Biggest ‘Brown-noser.’ ”
from the mouths of babes, with the republican vote you get a washed up bully running through the halls with scissors and a kiss up great characteristics for those who would be king and kingette.