Saturday, August 4, 2012

Will Congress Screw Underwater Homeowners on December 31?
I wrote a post on Wednesday about Ed DeMarco's decision not to participate in a new Treasury program of principal forgiveness for underwater homeowners. The main purpose of the post was to dig into the details and figure out what DeMarco's real issues were, so that if we were going to slag him, at least we were slagging him over the right stuff. As it turns out, one of DeMarco's biggest issues is his fear that a principal forgiveness program might encourage strategic defaults, which would wipe out any benefit the program might otherwise have. However, housing guru David Dayen wrote to let me know that although the mortgage industry complains constantly about the specter of strategic default, it almost never actually happens. It is, he wrote, "a dog that hasn't barked."
what is with the republican's? if one didn't know better you would think they are being overly cautious so as not to let anything bad happen to "we the people", their quest to make sure that so called minorities are not hurt by voter fraud they claim those same so called minorities are guilty of. now this, really they are cautious that they don't lose and are assured they can still steal the election.
we have a caring party on the other side and didn't realize it, maybe because it's not "we the people" that they care about. 
keep big business happy and the money will flow. problem., they think Americans are stupid enough to believe the mudslide they intend to avalanche them with, wouldn't vote for someone who has s little confidence in my intelligence, would you?