Saturday, August 18, 2012

What the Right Gets Wrong About the FRC Shooting

Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council Flickr/Gage Skidmore
Floyd Lee Corkins, a 28-year-old sometime gay rights volunteer from Herndon, VA who lives with his parents, walked into the Washington headquarters of the Family Research Council on Wednesday with a 9-millimeter handgun and a bag with 15 Chick-fil-A sandwiches. According to the FBI, he told the FRC's security guard Leonardo Reno Johnson that he didn't like the organization's politics before opening fire, wounding Johnson in the arm before the guard could subdue him. Thanks to Johnson's bravery, there was no loss of life. 
Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council, told reporters at a press conference yesterday that while "Floyd Corkins was responsible for the wounding of one of our colleagues and friends at the Family Research Council," the shooter "was given a license to do that by a group such as the Southern Poverty Law Center who labeled us a hate group because we defend the family and stand for traditional orthodox Christianity." Harsh criticism, according to Perkins and Brown, had laid the stones on Corkins' path to violence.
In light of the power Perkins and Brown ascribe to the words of the Southern Poverty Law Center and the Human Rights Campaign, we should examine their own
Spokespeople for the National Organization for Marriage, such as Rev. William Owens, whoexaggerated his civil rights background to justify his opposition to same sex marriage, have compared homosexuality to bestiality and child abuse. NOM's man in Maryland, Bishop Harry Jackson, has compared gay rights groups to Nazis whose actions recall "the times of Hitler." 
Most of NOM's more high-profile spokespersons are more careful with their words, but beyond rhetoric, NOM has argued that gay judges should be barred from ruling on LGBT rights issuesand embraced junk science to argue that gays and lesbians make worse parents.
as perusual the right the usual suspects do the dirt and blame the other's for their indiscretions.
" The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist". the usual suspects, are on the right.
anytime you disavow another then set about demonizing, discriminating against and create laws to subjugate then by any person with a ounce of gray matter you are a hater or hate org. recognize