Saturday, August 18, 2012

Mitt Romney Wants His Risky Pick To Play It Safe

this is outrageous, they don't want to tell us anything they do their cult dances about Ryan then the shine dulls and the powers within want to put a gag order on an already secretive campaign that rivals world secutity orgs.
GLEN ALLEN, Va. — Mitt Romney wants running mate Paul Ryan to play it safe.
Ryan, the nation's most controversial budget architect, is often described as the intellectual leader of the House Republican caucus. But Romney's presidential campaign headquarters in Boston seems, for now, to prefer that the 42-year-old father of three talks about camping and milking cows instead of the fiscal proposals that made him a conservative hero.
Ryan, who wrote a plan to overhaul Medicare as chairman of the House Budget Committee, did not use the word "Medicare" with voters over the first four days as the vice presidential candidate. When he finally touched on the health care insurance program for seniors, he did so only in broad strokes after Romney himself first outlined the campaign's talking points.
how does he feel about himself? touted as the great white hopette relegated to a smiling face that sometimes pretends to be your friend.
"I'm joining the Romney ticket," Ryan told an Ohio television station this week. "It's not the other way around. So I'm supporting the Mitt Romney plan."
if that is true what was all the hoopla about his boldness his ability to save America with one fell swoop. in essence WTF do they need him for, to make Romney feel more like a man then a "i want my Annie" butt wipe? is he moving in with them so as to have access to that red phone at 3am?