Saturday, August 18, 2012

Will the Threat Ryan Poses to Rural America Swing Swing States? Yes

There are, of course, many reasons to attend the Iowa State Fair.
As they say on the billboards: “Nothing Compares.”
The Canned Food Sculpture is striking.
Reserved seats are sold out for Saturday’s Journey, Pat Benatar and Loverboy show on the grandstand, but there is still standing-room-only space to be had for $40 a pop.
The deep-fried butter on a stick is, by most accounts, scrumptious.
And, if you are campaigning for, say, vice president of the United States, you could talk farm policy at the same place where Dwight Eisenhower, John Kennedy, Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, George W. Bush, Barack Obama, Bob Dole, Joe Biden and everyone who has ever entertained the notion of winning an election in this proud agricultural state has done.
Or, if you’re Paul Ryan, you could, um, well, what was Paul Ryan doing at the Iowa State Fair?
No one was all that surprised when the exercise-obsessed House Budget Committee chairman and newly minted Republican vice presidential candidate avoided the butter on a stick.
Asked about this summer’s epic drought, which has become a serious issue for farmers in more than 1,500 countries across thirty states—including Iowa—Ryan said: “We’ll get into all those policy things later. Right now I just want to enjoy the fair.”
did he enjoy the fair, or two seconds ater that gaffe did reality set in? or his he taking a page fro Romney, "blow 'em off, have some fun, you're entitled"?
Isn't that like walking through the Jeep plant in Toledo and saying: "No policy today, boys, I want to enjoy the smells of the paint room."
Ryan would rather be "HUFFING" paint fumes then talk to his constituents how right wing elite of him.