Monday, August 13, 2012

The Reformers Strike Back! The conservatives behind Citizens United have lost some key fights lately. But another battle over corporate money in politics looms.

Since the mid-2000s, a small cadre of lawyers and activists has reshaped the role of money in American politics. Led by Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), attorney James Bopp, Jr., and law professor and activist Brad Smith, this group has won a string of victories that have imploded campaign finance laws. Citizens UnitedThat was Bopp. Super-PACs? Thank Smith'sCenter for Competitive Politics. The2010 and 2012 DISCLOSE Actfilibusters? All McConnell.
people these republicans are by far the most clandestine in history. they continually bend to a breaking point the real agenda of their party while totally distorting the truth about this admin.
they commit these constitutional infractions then pull their base in with them making them collusive to their crimes by association ergo supporting the disenfranchisement of one half of the country, while cheering on like they are the most patriotic since their founding hero's.
But it's been rough going for the deregulators as of late. They've lost a slew of cases intended to gut existing political disclosure laws. They've failed to knock down bans on contribution limits. And despite their objections, the Internal Revenue Service has said it might revisit how it regulates dark-money nonprofit groups, which outspent super-PACs 3-to-2 in the 2010 elections and unloaded at least $172 million through June of this election cycle. "The free speech crew's winning streak has hit a bump in the road," says Neil Reiff, an election law attorney who used to work for the Democratic National Committee.
all you need do is look at what they claim to run on and what they have not done for 4 years, jobs their platform 2010, and they smiled all the way to congress with the sucking sounds of you their base being sucked in, how are the jobs they promised, we no where the jobs this Pres. has put up, shot down by those who promise you jobs just not his jobs and not now. recognize
we don't even have to go to their lies to "we the people about their on going republican aggression against women and the poor, to to point of their Catholic supporters breaking camp with them. fraud rampant they just misdirected "we the people with smoke and mirrors.