Monday, August 13, 2012

Paul Ryan Says He'll Only Release 2 Years Of Tax Returns In '60 Minutes' Interview

Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney (R) appearing on "60 Minutes" Sunday, August 12, 2012.
WASHINGTON -- Presumptive vice presidential nominee Paul Ryan said on Sunday that while he turned over "several years" of tax returns to the Romney campaign during his vetting process, he would only make two years of tax returns public for voters.
The Wisconsin Republican, appearing alongside Romney on "60 Minutes" for their first joint media interview, seemed poised and assured throughout the 15-minute segment. When pressed with a question about tax returns -- a topic that has dogged Romney -- Ryan had a ready answer.
"It was a very exhaustive vetting process," he told CBS's Bob Schiefer. "It is a confidential vetting process. So there were several years. But I'm going to release the same amount of years that Governor Romney has. But I got to tell you Bob -- two, I'm going to be releasing two, which is what he's releasing -– what I hear from people around this country, they are not asking, 'Where are the tax returns,' they are asking where the jobs are? Where is the economic growth?"
Romney, in fact, has not yet released two years of tax returns. He released his 2010 return (with some elements missing) and an estimate for 2011. The campaign has said that a full 2011 return will be made public before the election.
two peas in a pod both BSing " we the people" , don't think Ryan's got something to hide but he has to lockstep if he offers more than a year and a half he'll make his future potential boss, if they are able to steal this one too, really look like the fraud he is, play along to get along.
The issue of tax fairness dominated the 60 Minutes interview with Schiefer repeatedly questioning whether a Romney-Ryan administration would level the progressivity of the tax code. While the CBS host never mentioned it, under Ryan's proposed budget, Romney would have paid an effective tax rate of 0.82 percent in 2010, according to the Atlantic.
For his part, Romney insisted he would continue to require the wealthy to pick up the heaviest burden.
"Fairness dictates that the highest-income people should pay the greatest share of taxes, and they do," Romney said. "And the commitment that I've made is we will not have the top income earners in this country pay a smaller share of the tax burden. The highest-income people will continue to pay the largest share of the tax burden and middle-income taxpayers, under my plan, get a break. Their taxes come down."
what does Romney know of fairness look at his history, and his rhetoric Ryan's as well. hopefully coming to a news show near your tv. wear hip boots and a slicker, it'll be like Gallagher at a watermelon farm.