Sunday, August 12, 2012

Oh, What a Ryan Shame! Notes on Early Media Coverage of Romney's Veep Pick

A few quick reactilons to media coverage of Romney’s pick of Paul Ryan as veep choice today:
• After slamming “false” and “negative” ads by Obama and his allies all week, few even mention lies in Romney and Ryan speeches about the discredited GOP “you didn’t build that” and “welfare-to-work” ads. For Ryan, out loud? And Ryan, dubbed by media as Mr. Positive and Mr. Nice Guy, says Obama has “replaced” America’s “founding principles.”
• No one, that I’ve seen, noted the supreme irony of Romney and then Ryan being introduced on the deck of the (mothballed) ship to strains of Aaron Copland’s “Fanfare for the Common Man.” True, it was the version adapted for the film Air Force One, but virtually all we heard was pure Copland. And the composer was gay and a lefty hounded by Joe McCarthy. More and hear it here.
what is it with right wingers and military vessels, they are not veterans do they deserve the right? Romney Ryan maybe since theirs was of the mothball fleet, representative of their arcane antiquated policies. do they think this gives them some sort of military cred? "HELL NO IT DOESN'T". as a vet i take umbrage to that shameful glory thieves.
 Maddow with tough comment slamming “lame” talking points of “Beltway media” depicting Ryan as “serious” leader pushing for budget cuts—when he is mainly faux and wants tax cuts for rich and boost in Pentagon spending. She also refers to images of Romney and Ryan together as “Dad and Lad.” And, yes, Romney did assert that Ryan “appeals to the better angels of our nature.”
and i respect Rachel.