Monday, August 20, 2012

Should congressional Republicans worry about having Paul Ryan on the ticket? -;cbsCarousel

    Should congressional Republicans worry about having Paul Ryan on the ticket?
    • U.S. Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis., speaks at a campaign event at Walsh University Aug. 16, 2012, in North Canton, Ohio.
    (CBS News) Last weekend, minutes after Mitt Romney officially tapped Paul Ryan as his running mate, the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee sent out an email blast. The e-mail, citing a Politico story, touted a recentcampaign ad from Montana Senate candidate Denny Rehberg that blasted Ryan's budget plan. What's most interesting about the ad, however, is that Rehberg is a Republican - and that the National Republican Senatorial Committee had helped to fund it.
    Democrats across the nation have expressed a certain amount of glee at the prospect of running against Ryan: Unlike Mitt Romney, the seven-term congressman from Wisconsin has a long record with which Democrats can pinpoint his positions on a number of ideological issues.

    Congressional Democratic operatives, however, have expressed particular excitement about Ryan's new position: Ryan is the author of a controversial budget plan, which includes an overhaul of the nation's Medicare system so controversial that even some Republicans (see: Denny Rehberg) were running against it. 
    Democrats object to a number of elements in the Ryan budget, but the Medicare plan - which would turn Medicare into what's called a "premium support," or voucher, plan - has the potential to be perhaps the most politically potent: Polling has consistently shown that voters tend to be wary of major changes to Medicare and that older voters, particularly, feel strongly about the issue.
    and they keep denying their intent that is "on video tape stupid"
    "From now until Election Day, Democrats will be on offense and in overdrive, seizing this golden opportunity to define the choice in this election: Republicans putting Millionaires over Medicare and the middle class," said Rep. Steve Israel, chairman of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC), in a statement. "It's crystal clear that the Ryan budget will be a defining issue in congressional races across the country and House Republicans can't escape the political devastation it will cause them."
    will watch with bated breath for the many gaffe's and self exposing of their true agenda, by them. i'm luvin' it.