Monday, August 20, 2012

Journal de la Reyna: GOP Congressmen Skinny Dip Overseas Causing A Sex Scandal!

Speaker John Boehner and House Majority Leader Eric Cantor are walking from the White House. The Republican leaders are angry at members of the Republican caucus for a sex scandal overseas. They fear the media will cover this instead of the message of bringing stability to the economy.
This is going to be the buzz of the week. Just like the U.S. Secret Service, our members of the U.S. Congress are to handle themselves accordingly when overseas. The Republican Party once again has to defend its actions by its freshmen members of Congress.
The Politico released a bombshell. And this bombshell will have more ammunition for President Barack Obama to go after Congress for ineptness. The Republican controlled House of Representatives has passed legislation that could roll back the progress that the president sought. With a slim majority in the U.S. Senate, the Democrats can't achieve the 60 votes needed to block filibusters. The Republicans are hoping the mood of the economy will be their winning strategy.
The FBI probed a late-night swim in the Sea of Galilee that involved drinking, numerous GOP freshmen lawmakers, top leadership staff – and one nude member of Congr
ess, according to more than a dozen sources, including eyewitnesses.
what the fuss? the GOP has always been an embarrassment, they may be taking their lead from their dear leader Romney on foreign protocol, screw up say the stupidest thing you can in defense, get loaded, and even though he didn't, give the Pres. reason to apologize for your idea of American overseas behavior etiquette. 
he was there, we are to believe in his room all by himself with the ROMYAN budget in hand and a tear in his eye. nothing like showing your respect for our friend and making yourself at home. they do so much for the image of America, don't they?