Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Ryan, white hawk down?


each day that goes by like his potential boss the more distasteful information we learn about the right wing misrepresentations of their wannabe's. 
not as advertised, not the great white hope and hopette they have been touted as being, they will not save the country, the country needs less saving then "we the people need from them, they are the root of the evil that now grips America they are not all that they claim America is great for. 
anyone who believes it's great to lie cheat break constitutional law and suppress the very thing that embodies greatness, and suppress half the nation from their right to vote to denying women anything that is beneficial to their health and welfare, and their economic value in the workplace, needs to move to Iran to be with those of their feather.  deficit hawk really check his voting record.
as with all the right wing hypocrites that slammed the stimulus and everything else made sure they got in, they know a good thing when the see it including those who's kids and families are taking advantage of Obama Cares.
Pres.'s failures were their obstructions that denied "we the people of sooner healthcare and still no jobs as promised 2010, you can't have the one's the Pres. has in congress now they'll give him credit so they deny your family food and a roof because they can't have him looking good, not the plan you might vote for him if they helped "we the people" recognize