Saturday, August 18, 2012

Ryan saves boldest plan for Medicaid

Medicare is not the only entitlement Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) has big plans to reform.
Its sister program, Medicaid, would lose about three-quarters of its federal funding by 2050 under proposals from the Republican vice presidential candidate, according to federal budget auditors.
Medicaid provides healthcare for the poor and the disabled. Over 10 years, Ryan's budget plan would cut the program's budget by about $810 billion.
Republican presidential hopeful Mitt Romney has been playing up the cuts that President Obama’s healthcare reform law made to Medicare, but hasn’t devoted much attention to Medicaid. One expert said there’s a good reason for that.
so why haven't thr RYAN romney team brought this to our attention, still waitingtill after the election and we've already bought the no refund pig in a poke?
"It's a program that's very hard to simplify," said Matt Salo, executive director of the National Association of Medicaid Directors.
"It pays for 40 percent of the country's births and the majority of the nation's long-term care [for the elderly]. It's one of the most complex programs in the U.S. government — on the level of tax policy."
The program's beneficiaries also lack the political clout of seniors and their representatives in Washington who adamantly defend Medicare.
Medicaid functions as an open-ended entitlement, with the federal government paying more as the program grows.
so once again if we elect them we fall victim to the arrogant apathy of the right wing me, me actually them, them they won't realize till fter Nov. 7th.