Saturday, August 18, 2012

Abbreviated Pundit Round-up: Looking under the hood of the Ryan record

read what others are saying about the right wing touted as leader has to say about that transparently embellishment of their status pre Nov. 6th.
Ignoring, for a moment, the fact that Ryan doesn’t actually offer solutions to mass unemployment or budget sustainability, it’s worth focusing on the obvious: It’s never a good thing when your vice presidential pick makes it more likely you’ll lose.
James C. Roumell (founder of Roumell Asset Management LLC.)
Today, I own a small business, an asset management firm with $300 million in assets. Last year we launched the Roumell Opportunistic Value Fund (RAMSX) and hired three more people. We’re growing and creating jobs. I suppose I could pound my chest and take credit for my journey from Detroit to Chevy Chase, from working class to professional. I could say I built it myself. But this wouldn’t be true.
just to point out a couple, they don't seem to see the chances as rosy and thumbs up, do you?
looking in those places that they forget the sun does shine will expose the secret lives of right wing politicians, got tax returns?

But readers must understand the limitations of polling, and I find too few caveats by most reporters, television talking heads and, yes, pollsters when it comes to how samples and weighting are affecting the presidential ballot test.

For example, Rasmussen's use of fixed party ID that they determine rather than measure, and for another example, Gallup's underestimation of non-white voters. Factors like this make the trackers differ form the non-trackers this year.

don't be influenced negatively about poles, i wrote this on this blog a couple of years ago;


Hello,getting real annoyed at these different polls,seems every other day there is a new pollster. Does it make sense that if you want to promote your agenda you poll people in that demographic? 29% disapproval 67% ever wonder who those % comprise anyone call for your opinion? once again who's zoomin' who?

Posted by nick johnson at 8:15 AM