Friday, August 17, 2012

Racial Double Standard in Politics? Not Quite

Hannity, in the wake of "Ryan is not making everything as magical as we thought he would, so let's puff up a controversy around Joe Biden"-gate, was doing what all good Republicans do when there's a chance to attack race: Yell about a double standard.
"If a Republican said what Biden said about the opposing party putting people 'back in chains,' the left would've demanded they retract that statement and apologize!" This was the war cry heard throughout right-wing media.
let's see right wing wannabe Alan West "Obama trying to put Blacks back on the plantation"
Co-host Gretchen Carlson asked Williams if he was going to join others in denouncing Biden’s comments, but he refused saying that he did not see what was so inflammatory in that statement to begin with.
“He was talking in language that has been used by Speaker [JohnBoehnerPaul Ryan saying, you know, that Republicans want to unshackle Wall Street,” said Williams.
Rep. Allen West just can’t help himself. His claim to fame is not being a principled leader, but a firebrand who uses racial rhetoric to inflame both the right and the left.  Once West said that he was the modern day Harriet Tubman, leading black folk off the plantation. Now he says that President Obama wants us to be his slave. The guy loves making inflammatory racial statements, and then pretending to stand up for a colorblind society. But he’s the king of the race card, and he’s at it again:
they keep forgetting "it's on video tape stupid". West keeps forgetting at days end to his party he is still that "N" over their who has no respect for his heritage.
Oftentimes, when Republicans are criticized for coded phrases and insensitive rhetoric, they immediately yell that they had no idea that what they said could possibly be perceived in the evil, politically correct light that Democrats are shining on it. And oftentimes I agree with them. I don't think they saw the problem.
what a load of BS it's a talking point de jour, they read the script.