Friday, August 17, 2012

Bain Capital Crushed Pilots' Effort To Create Union At Key Airlines

hard to claim you are for helping the middle class when your past record say's just the opposite.
The successful launch of Bain Capital, a private equity firm founded by current GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney and his associates in 1984, was propelled in part by a move to squash the formation of a union at one of the first companies in which it invested, according to the Financial Times.
The episode began in 1984, long before Bain became a multi-billion dollar firm. Romney and his business partners were working to buy Key Airlines, a small and somewhat troubled charter carrier that had a number of valuable assets, and turn it into a profitable investment. According to a report by the Financial Times (paywall), Romney and his colleagues orchestrated a $5 million leveraged buyout of the airline. The Times reports that Key rebounded slightly under Bain's management, but began to struggle again in 1985, a year that brought particular turmoil to the company when its pilots attempted to form a union.
now we all know unions is another right wing dirty word that cost the corporations profit that would be spent in better work conditions and better pay and workplace considerations, which should improve the business and create profit for all not just trying to create a sweat shop to profit only the bosses, which drops the quality of their work and products opening the way to outsource to China and other countries.
 According to the court ruling, Key held coercive meetings with pilots; said management would leave and the company lose contracts; and told pilots that salaries, bonuses and benefits could be frozen. Federal labour law forbids an airline “to interfere in any way with the organisation of its employees”.
Two union organisers -- Olen Rae Goodwin and Lawrence Schlang, a former naval aviator -- were instructed to sign resignation letters, according to a separate report by the National Mediation Board, which oversees union elections in the sector. The report described the company’s excuse for this dismissal as “little more than pretext”. When a union election was finally held only two pilots voted “yes”.
yep Romney cares about you and the middle class, except his mouth hasn't told his brain yet.