Saturday, August 4, 2012

Rachel Maddow: "Mitt Romney has a tell."

[Video of Sept 24, 2002, debate] Question:You have refused to release your income tax forms even though others, including Governor William Weld, U.S. Senator John Kerry, and your opponent, Shannon O'Brien, released theirs. Do you have something to hide?
Mitt Romney (laughing): I believe very deeply in my personal privacy, what little amount there's left. And in this case, you've made a couple exceptions from your list. Senator Kennedy, when I was running against him, "Boy," I told him, "you've got to release those income tax returns of yours." And he said, "No, I value my privacy." And I think he was right, and I was wrong. As a result, I do share his view on this. I'm not going to release my income tax returns. And Shannon O'Brien's husband, with whom I presume they share expenses, likewise hasn't reduced, excuse me, released his income taxes.
hypocrite? your call.
Rachel pointed out that all the focus has been on Harry Reid, and how reporters are buying into "the whining and complaining about this horrible tactic and how unfair it is" from Romney and his campaign spokesman, Eric Fehrnstrom. Here's the kicker: Romney and Fehrnstrom did the exact same thing to Shannon O'Brien when Romney ran against her in the 2002 Massachusetts governor's race. Romney refused to release his returns then. O'Brien released hers, but Romney and Fehrnstrom demanded to see the tax returns for O'Brien's husband, wanting to know "What are you hiding?" In other words, in Romney's world what's good for the goose, is not good for the gander.
only a couple of sides of his neck left to talk out of, will he use them before Nov. 6th.?