Saturday, August 4, 2012

Michigan Emergency-Manager Law Goes on Ballot, Court Says

A challenge to Michigan’s emergency-manager law, which allows the state to take over the finances of fiscally troubled cities, must appear on the Nov. 6 ballot, the state’s supreme court ruled.
The Michigan Supreme Court today ordered the state’s board of canvassers to put the repeal of the rule before state voters. The board earlier rejected petitions for a vote because papers filed by the law’s opponents didn’t use the right size type. 
deja vu, hanging chads?
The Michigan law, signed by Governor Rick Snyder last year, gives emergency managers the right to terminate employee contracts and suspend collective bargaining. Opponents contend the law is anti-democratic and lets unelected officials rule over local governments.
The 2011 law will be suspended after the state board certifies the election petitions. The effect of this suspension is in dispute and will probably trigger additional court battles, according to lawyers on both sides. 
this happened here in DC a few years ago. gov't take over dictating what when and how much, they do this and deny us statehood for their own benefits, taxes?
where were the states right the hypocritical right is always harping on? funny how all they complain about is the stuff they did not do, even though it being more egregious.