Monday, August 13, 2012

For Romney, Ryan's Pros Are Also His Cons Romney shook up the 2012 race by picking Paul Ryan as his running mate. But there's a catch.

The Root) -- There's an alternate universe somewhere out there in which the GOP wound up getting the presidential nominee that it really always wanted: a perfect Tea Party specimen possessing Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal's brain, New Hampshire Sen. Kelly Ayotte's conservative ardor and Florida Sen. Marco Rubio's Latino-ness -- all packed into Texas Gov. Rick Perry's shell.
In real life, though, they wound up with Mitt Romney: a one-term governor with good hair and a nervous laugh who's flip-flopped on almost every political issue of his career.
But now, at least according to conventional wisdom, Republicans have Paul Ryan -- the 42 year-old House Budget Committee chairman who Romney announced on Saturday as his vice-presidential running mate while they stood on the pier together in front of the bunting-clad battleship U.S.S. Wisconsin among cheering supporters in Norfolk, Va.
And now, in theory, the ideological tug-of-war is balanced out between the issue-agnostic, corporate-friendly Republicanism represented by Romney, and the Tea Party-inspired, fiscally hawkish populism touted by Ryan.
Except that when it comes to tough budgetary calls, Ryan's as big a squish as Romney.
this is what we are in for with this ticket, pull the shades up and take a good look, do you see anything that will benefit you in their vague proposals? 
are you just going with the bandwagon voter's, they are against the Black guy so you are too. hard to know why when they have continually fed you and your base lies and innuendo about this Pres. that even with the absurdity of their rants you still embrace, what does that say about you and your "character?
Counter to the conventional wisdom, Ryan's not a counterweight to Romney as much as he is a bookend -- voting to fund the priciest programs during the Bush era, then abruptly finding fiscal religion in the Obama era.
for it before the Black guy was, and now against it because the Black guy isn't, good idea's untill they perceived them as tainted by progressive agreement, some were good for "we the people", but with a Romney, Ryan ticket we'll never know