Saturday, August 4, 2012

Our rights versus authoritarian wrong

One of the juiciest ironies of Tampa’s newly-minted law to suppress protest at the upcoming Republican National Convention is that it bans the carrying of water pistols by protesters. However, thanks to Florida’s nutty right-wing governor, anyone with a concealed-weapon permit is free to tote an actual bullet-firing pistol! Apparently, the authorities really do consider blood to be thicker than water.
this is a perfect example of the idiocy that prevails in the right wing camp fits up there at the top with carry permits in bars. how dumb is that. maybe if they had a little shame they would realize how far of their flat earth they've gotten.
Even nuttier is the fantasy of convention organizers that they can lock down the feisty and essential American spirit of political protest with a rash of ridiculous liberty-repressing laws. Among their ordinances is a directive that thousands of demonstrators squeeze their public expressions into short “parade routes” and out-of-the-way “viewing areas.” This is as futile as King George III demanding that American revolutionaries march into battle by lining up in neat rows to be shot down by his Redcoats.
i was willing to allow for this being the second dumbest thing i've seen in 63 years, but i stand corrected.