Monday, August 6, 2012

Allen West's Rise From the Florida Fever Swamps A short, strange trip into the belly of the anti-Shariah beast.

craze, ala right wing, hate flava of the southernmost.
The bike is immaculately polished and gleaming in the late afternoon South Florida sun. A bald eagle in full squawk graces the gas tank, white stars checker the front fender, and a tattered red-and-white-stripe motif designed to evoke Old Glory covers the rest of the body. Any hint of grime or dust is purely aesthetic; 22 years in the military teach a man to clean up after his mess. The helmet sits right-side-up on the saddle and is adorned with two rows of jagged teeth and a bright red tongue, like the nose of an old Spitfire; two US Army logos; six bullet-hole decals; and, down at the bottom, the signature of its owner, who has just roared up: retired Lt. Colonel Allen B. West.
It's mid-April and momentarily West, the Republican congressman from Florida's 22nd District—an imaginatively carved Tetris piece stretching from West Palm Beach to the outskirts of Fort Lauderdale—will take the stage at the Palm Beach County Tax Day Tea Party in Wellington. He'll call the tax on tanning salons enshrined in the Affordable Care Act "racist," the president "an abject failure," and, directing his assembled battalion's attention to a small group of placard-bearing liberal protesters, ruminate on his sanity: "They say Allen West is the craziest person that ever set foot on the House floor! Let me tell you who's the craziest person to truly ever set foot on the House floor. That's President Barack Hussein Obama."
I ask West when he first recognized radical Islam as an existential threat. "Uh, let me see, the first time somebody shot at me?" comes the irritated reply.
Of the 94 freshman congressmen who came to Washington in January 2011, none captured the id of the tea party movement—and the ire of the left—as perfectly as West, an Army veteran who retired in 2004 after firing his gun, Jack Bauer-style, past the head of an uncooperative Iraqi detainee. Reborn as a conservative icon, he is the torch carrier for a political culture and a region where, more than anyplace else in the country, radical Islam is the existential threat lurking around every corner.
well i guess that explains the wannabe. what does this say about those in his corner, after all hater's of another are just right wing kool aid addicts.  the off the wall demeanor being excepted by his constituents IMO reflect their character, and it's akin to a picture of Dorian Gray.
Let's get this out of the way: Allen West does not regret a single Red-baiting, Obama-hating thing that he's said during his career in political office. "I'm not like the president," he snipes. We're in the lobby of the Palm Beach Synagogue, a pastel-colored building squarely in the middle of an upscale, palm-tree-lined community, where a man's affluence is measured by the height of his hedges.
just another crap in the basket, nothing more. at days end to his constituents he is still that "N" over there. disgraceful person.