Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Obama mocks Romney on wind energy in Iowa


President Obama mocked Mitt Romney over wind energy at a campaign stop in Oskaloosa, Iowa, on Tuesday, arguing that the GOP candidate's opposition to green investments is short-sighted and will cost jobs.
“During a speech a few months ago, Gov. Romney ... explained his energy policy this way: ‘You can’t drive a car with a windmill on it,’” Obama said. “That's what he said about wind power: ‘You can't drive a car with a windmill on it.’”
“I wonder if he actually tried that. I know he's had other things on his car,“ Obama said, a reference to an incident in which Romney put his dog in a carrier on the roof of his car during a road trip.
 "But if he really wants to learn something about wind energy, Iowa, all he has to do is pay attention to what you’ve been doing,” Obama continued.
another instance where the presumptive forgot he had slammed wind energy and what Iowans do. do they controllers of the republican party deliberately put the idiots in the party at the top of the ticket just because they can be manipulated much easier, looking for number two who is actually number one?  why would they offer "we the people" their dregs maybe for the scapegoat factor when their plan crashes and burns, Bush recession? 
when has the right wing ever given "we the people" the straight 411 on their unscrupulous behavior with out lying and pointing fingers in the wrong direction?