Sunday, August 26, 2012

No, Obama Didn't Steal Money From the Medicare Trust Fund

Bob Somerby says I've failed him. Yesterday I wrote about Mitt Romney's claim that Obamacare had cut Medicare spending by $716 billion over the next decade, but I failed to answer these two questions:
  1. Did Obama steal, rob, siphon, take or remove $716 billion from the Medicare trust fund?
  2. After stealing that money, did he spend it on Obamacare?
don't ask the etch a sketcher turned white board you'll get a reply like "we'll tell you afterthe election.
keeping you in the dark should be an indicator of what a ROMYAN ticket will bring you, not even a flashlight or a match.
Here's an analogy. Suppose I have income of $100 per month, and I normally spend $50 on rent and $50 on food. Then I negotiate a lower rent with my landlord. Now I spend $45 on rent and $55 on food. Did I take money from the rent to spend on food?
does the ROMYAN camp lie and try and mislead you, intentionally fill in that blank for yourself. remember you can never lie to yourself, successfully.