Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Mitt Romney: 2002 Winter Olympic Games Were Made Possible By 'Enormous' Federal Spending

 you would think they would have learned after the Palin debacle.

Mitt Romney said he would have been unable to host the 2002 Winter Olympic Games in Salt Lake City, Utah, had it not been for the "enormous spending and services of the federal government."
The words, uttered by Romney in 2002, are in direct contrast to the presumptive Republican presidential nominee's relentless attacks on President Barack Obama over his "you didn't build that" comments. 
when you don't research what you have said before you say something about your opponent you end up in the position of Romney and the boyz, "rank hypocrites".  every ad they have used to push this farce were based in a result of gov't money being the catalyst for their success, how deceitful of those business owners to publicly take that position when they know they are beholden to gov't.  Romney promise then more gov't money if elected? or are they just dishonest  right wing leaning business persons?
"When I came to the Games two years ago, following the revelations of bid impropriety, there was nothing which caused greater anxiety than whether or not we could count on this critical federal support," he said, before thanking both the Clinton and Bush administrations for being involved with his committee's planning efforts "every step of the way."
does this sound like a man who single handed saved the Olympics? remember he refers to it as "I was called in to save the Olympics"? no wonder he's so secretive, what we already know is bad enough.