Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Michael Nutter on Pennsylvania Voter-ID Law: Not the America We Fought For


(The Root) -- Though he was making an early campaign swing through Charlotte, N.C., a city he'll revisit for the Democratic convention in September, Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter's mind was also onthe battle over a voter-ID law going on in his Pennsylvania home. "We are very concerned about disenfranchising hundreds of thousands of voters," he toldThe Root.
"Many of us can't figure out what this is really about, since we have no documentation of any in-person voter fraud having taken place in Pennsylvania in anyone's memory," Nutter said. "We filed an amicus brief, and there are other people fighting on those issues. I'm not a lawyer, so I'm not going to be in court."
this is the really egregious part, no foundation to their false claims. i don't understand why this isn't a slam dunk for DOJ.
Opponents claim that voter fraud does not exist, so the law is unnecessary. However, the legislature does not need to prove fraud in order to pass a law regulating elections. And proving voter impersonation can be tricky without requiring the very ID that opponents are trying to prevent."  
 Hair, referring to what she calls confusing and "Byzantine" regulations, said, "It's not really about whether you need an ID to vote; it's about whether the politicians have manipulated the system in order to get an electoral advantage by creating such a difficult, onerous form of ID that people can't comply."
She sees a pattern, and not only in the number of states that have passed voter-ID bills since 2011. "Through the history of America, it's always been a fight to expand access to the democratic process," Hair said, starting with slavery and continuing up through the Voting Rights Act era and through the passage of the National Voter Registration Act of 1993, which made it easier to register to vote.
"It took a few years for groups to start understanding it and using it," she said, and for African-American registration to start to equal that of whites. "Now we're in a backlash period," said Hair, who was a lawyer for the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund in a 1982 voting-rights case against the state of Georgia. "The folks who were used to being in control saw that this new electorate was rising up, and they're trying to quash it."
FEAR, the primary if not the only reason for those on the right to abandon the law and again rewrite it to suit their nefarious plan to steal anoher Presidential election. do we want a President who thinks is fine to lie cheat and steal their way into the WH? what kind of leadership is that, what does it teach your kids, what will your kids think of you for supporting such a clandestine effort?
this is not the America i fought for 45 years ago either.